A Dystopian Nightmare
When: July 27 through August 31
Main Characters: Nate, Lucid, Francis
Size: Large event
Type: Storyline
Description: "A Dystopian Nightmare" was a quest in the game. Books went missing at an alarming rate in the dream world and were confirmed to have been transported into the world of the book "A Dystopian Nightmare" with the culprit being none other than Francis once more. Nate and Lucid went on a mission to rescue the stolen books and encountered the world of Big Brother- where the citizens live under constant surveillance, the truth are lies, and books are burned. However, a recent order given by Big Brother authorized all books to be taken to a machine for extraction. It was later revealed that Big Brother was actually Francis, and the machine was being used to extract content from books to compile a database of information. Francis would then use this new artificial knowledge to think of a way to take over the dream world- a plan that was seemingly scrapped by humans in the real world to steal resources from the dream world and establish a new human settlement- but Francis is set on finishing what was started. The books are ultimately saved and the machine is destroyed as Lucid and Nate escape. Francis escaped as well, but his whereabouts are still unknown.