
Welcome to the birthdays page! This page serves as an archive of birthday messages by characters. It includes their birthday message, as well as their birthday photo. 

Below are the three most recent birthday messages. To view older messages, click/tap the drop down arrow in the 'Previous Birthdays' section located near the bottom of the page.

Willy's birthday - March 2, 2025

Traveler! Mr. Rabbit! Mr. Cat! I knew you guys would come by today!

I know you guys wanted to surprise me today, but I also wanted to surprise you guys! Over the past few months, I have been learning how to do hedge trimming. The Queen of Hearts has a lot of fun hedges around her castle and Mr. Deuce is really good at it! I asked if I could learn how to do these as well, and it has been a lot of lessons and learning!

With that, I present to you guys this heart hedge I trimmed all on my own! Don't worry, Mr. Deuce told me to be very careful and was watching me the whole time. This isn't my first attempt, but I think I've gotten good enough since I started learning and wanted to show you something I did all on my own! I'm really happy and proud with how it turned out!

I know you guys are here for my birthday, so I also want to have fun today! I turn 12 today! Does that mean it's my last year being a kid? Mr. Mad Hatter told me you can be a kid at any age so long as you have fun and imagination! We should go explore Wonderland! Things have been normal around here, the usual! Let's take a picture to remember this day...a day I hope never comes to an end!   - Willy

Daiki's birthday - February 28, 2025

NOTE: Upon being reached for comment, Tsukanai Daiki was unavailable. It is likely that he is still alive, but not responding to the public at this time.

Matías' birthday - February 14, 2025

Hello Traveler, I see we have stumbled into each other's paths...

I'm taking a break from my usual duties as chief officer to spend time out in the dream world for my birthday. It's a little funny to have a birthday on a holiday because you're either celebrating a birthday, a holiday, or both. In this case, it's both.

With Francis arrested, things across the dream world have been business as usual. I'm very glad that you agreed to help all of us out at the DPF to capture him. Many of my officers talk about how your actions deserve to be recognized by a much higher authority. I'm sure the director will be glad to meet you one day!

At least for now, you've met all of the "big" chiefs at the DPF, including Tsukanai. Ah, there he is right now. Do you mind holding this abnormally large gummy bear for me? Since you're both here, I think we can have a great chat, the three of us. This is going to be a very sweet birthday!   - Matías

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