
Welcome to the birthdays page! This page serves as an archive of birthday messages by characters. It includes their birthday message, as well as their birthday photo. 

Below are the three most recent birthday messages. To view older messages, click/tap the drop down arrow in the 'Previous Birthdays' section located near the bottom of the page.

Finnegan's birthday - October 10, 2024

Hey hey Traveler! You're out here too, eh? Hehe, it's nice visiting the Fair!

So you won't believe this, but this busy bee got forced to take the day off! It's true! I am usually not one to take a day off of work, but Eli here was all like, 'Gosh Finn, you really need to take a day off even on your birthday' and I was like 'Huh? Taking a break? I don't know that term!'

Well he got his wish and we're here now! Looks like he really wanted to take me out to the Fair. It's autumn and the weather out here is nice. Maybe it's not a bad thing to take a break every now and then. I mean, as long as it means I get to spend time with Eli~

Hehehe, okay okay, I won't embarrass him any more now. You know, you should stick around! Have you tried the caramel apples? They're amazing! I think I'm gonna spend the rest of the day here until the lights go out...oh wait, they can't go out! Here's to another amazing birthday~!  - Finnegan 

Nate's birthday - September 21, 2024

"Do you like where I have brought you this year? I know it is not what you may have been expecting, but..."

No, it's wonderful! Don't worry about it, Lucid! I think the wilderness of the dream world is a lovely place to spend my birthday! You even brought along food and drinks! No one will be able to bother us out here!

"The wilderness has a beautiful atmosphere for us to spend time together on your special day. Out here, we are away from the lights, electronics, and noise of the general dream world. It's the perfect place for people to be alone away from others and out of sight too."

I'm guessing you've hidden out here many times before! Though, have you ever considered hiding in the real world? I think... you'd be safer up there... Well, maybe we can talk about that for another time. Thank you for this...this is so lovely, really. Lucid, I really- waaa?! Traveler?! What are you doing here?? Ah!! Show's over!  - Nate

Kamaria's birthday - September 18, 2024

Traveler, you're just the person I wanted to see today. Please, have a seat. It's quite important.

We are in the Section, because as you know, it's one of the more quiet and secluded dimensions that offer privacy. The reason is that I wanted to discuss some information on the recent mission you went on. Remember those transmitters? Well, they're out there providing data, but not much has come up.

We've picked up signals across the wilderness of the dream world, but all have been verified to not have been caused by Francis. I've been trying to tweak the transmitters to boost their range and try to detect more anomalies, but I'm not sure if this is what's causing radios to act up around the dream world. It seems we have some work to tweak some bugs...

On the bright side, Francis is currently quiet and the dream world looks safe, but we haven't seen the light at the end of the tunnel just yet. Maybe I should spend some time to enjoy my birthday instead of focusing on this. You're very welcome to come along if you wish. It'll be quite delightful. - Kamaria

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