Dimension Weather Prediction Service

Logo of the DWPS since 2023.

WHAT: The Dimension Weather Prediction Service was founded during the late 50s period in the dream world. After complaints from citizens in the dream world that some dimensions experienced ever changing weather conditions that were hard to keep track of and predict, a group of weather savvy individuals decided to team up and form an organization that would help keep track of weather conditions across the dream world. At the time, the team consisted of eight members, but the organization has grown to roughly 500 members spread across the dream world. 

The members of the DWPS were especially focused on recruiting those who were both interested in meteorology and had the skills to run the agency. This required mathematical, computing, researching, interviewing, communication, scientific, comprehension, and decision-making skills to join. There are different jobs within the agency, and some require some basic skills while other positions require many skills; members aren’t required to have all the skills for certain positions.

WHO: The Director of the DWPS is the one who oversees the entire organization. Currently, the DWPS is led by Kairós Tropos; he has led the DWPS since its creation in 1958.

AGENCY BACKGROUND: Their work became a success when they ended up correctly publishing accurate forecasts for dimensions with ever changing weather conditions. Such attention was caught on from the Council who approved of their agency; the DWPS was given permission to give recommendations to the Dimension Protection Force (DPF) on the basis of weather conditions that could hinder a dimension’s capability to become unsafe. 

While the DWPS is not under the direct arm of the Council like the DPF is, they do have the power to get in contact with the DPF regarding any weather related issues in a dimension, but they cannot close a dimension down themselves. Their sole power is reserved to predicting and forecasting weather conditions in the dream world, and providing the public with information about those conditions while giving recommendations to the DPF, should a weather event prompt the closing of a dimension which only the DPF can do. 

The DWPS hosts its main headquarters in the District dimension, but does have satellite offices in some dimensions around the dream world. The main HQ is reserved for all of the duties and jobs in the agency, while satellite offices are often used for issuing forecasts and advisories for that area of the dream world, and keeping data for said weather in those corners of the dream world as well. There are 51 satellite offices at the moment scattered in different corners; all offices, including HQ, are open to the public for any more information or questions. Visitors may book an appointment ahead of time for faster service and less wait times, but walk-ins are okay.


There are several duties, or job positions, in the agency. Here are the most important ones:

Meteorologist: The main people working on providing accurate forecasts for dimensions across the dream world. They have the duty to give the public weather forecasts and predictions ahead of time and for conditions at the current moment. They make up most of the positions in the agency.

Data collector: These are the people in charge of the scientific data. They have the duty to report the data collected over to the meteorologists, and occasionally advisory board. Their data is collected from all the weather stations in each dimension and are then analyzed and computed for accuracy.

Advisory board: This is a group of people who issue weather advisories. In the event that data collectors find something concerning in the collection, they will let the advisory board know to which they get together and determine if the weather is severe enough to prompt an advisory to the public.

Storm chaser: These are the people who go out into the field to chase storms. Depending on the event, they would need approval to venture out into the storm. Events include cyclones, tornadoes, blizzards, hail storms, and most other severe weather. They collect storm data to report back to the DWPS for study.

Surveyors: These are the people who go out to assess any damage left behind from a storm and report back the data they gathered to the DWPS. They also get deployed for non-weather events like dreamquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, etc.; they also need approval first before going out.

Weather forecasting:

The DWPS relies on hundreds of weather stations positioned in the dimensions in the dream world to help make accurate forecasts for them. Such weather stations have various tools and equipment with them to help make data more reliable. This data is then used by data collectors who analyze it and keep track of it. Some stations are more noticeable than others, but each dimension should have one. Below are some of the instruments that are included on most stations:

Thermometer: Used to measure temperature. This is mainly measured in celsius, unless specified.

Barometer: Used to measure air pressure. Measured in mb units.

Hygrometer: Used to measure the amount of water vapor in the air and to determine relative humidity. Displayed as a percentage.

Anemometer: Used to measure wind speed and direction. Measured in km/h, unless specified.

Rain gauge: Used to measure rainfall. Measured in metric units.

Ruler: Used to measure ground precipitation like snow, or flooding resulting from rain. Measured in metric units.

Condition sensor: Sensor determining the weather conditions at the station.

Quake sensor: Sensor used to monitor dreamquake activity. This sensor is only found on some weather stations, particularly in areas prone to this type of activity.

Siren: Instrument that plays an alarm. The siren is only seen on certain weather stations, and is used to alert the dimension if conditions have drastically changed from “concerning” to “severe” in a short period of time when advisories may arrive late to alert the public there; it would sound in the event of a dreamquake, tornado, tsunami, etc.


In the event of an impending or immediate weather event that may be life-threatening to a dimension or area, the advisory board quickly discusses if an advisory should be issued. Advisories come in three categories, depending on the type of weather event being or to be observed; it is usually related with severe weather. The advisory board issues its decision and also issues a recommendation to the DPF to close said dimension if they believe it to be life-threatening. Below are the three categories of advisories, including examples.

WATCH: Issued for impending severe weather. This gives the public a heads-up of possible changing weather conditions that could be harmful to those caught in it. It does not always mean such a weather event will take place, but it urges caution. Depending on the event, it can be issued a week beforehand, or even half an hour before. A Blizzard Watch would indicate that conditions may be favorable for a blizzard to occur, so the public must keep an eye out for any rapidly changing conditions. 

WARNING: Issued for current severe weather. This gives the public the notice that conditions in the dimension are dangerous or life-threatening to those caught without proper shelter. These should be taken seriously and often prompt the advisory board to recommend the DPF to close said dimension until the threat is over. It is typically issued the same day the event should be occurring, or at least when conditions have been met. A Tropical Cyclone Warning would indicate that conditions are currently in favor for cyclonic behavior to be happening in the dimension, so the public must be sheltered in place if caught in it, or avoid the dimension at all costs until the cyclone has ceased.

EMERGENCY: Issued for drastic severe weather. The highest category, this is quite rare to be issued. It typically is issued when a weather event is surpassing expectations and is a very serious life-threatening event. It typically means that the situation in the dimension is potentially dangerous to those caught without shelter. These can’t be prompted unless there is already a "warning" being issued for the dimension, meaning that the weather event for the “warning" must turn extremely dangerous for it to be upgraded to “emergency.” When this happens, the DPF's ROTU gets ready to deploy an aid team that can only reach the dimension once the threat is over to help with any recoveries. A Tornado Emergency would indicate that a storm producing a tornado is exceeding expectations and has become incredibly violent and life-threatening to the public; anyone caught without shelter is putting their own life in serious danger.

Note: Dreamquakes and volcanic eruptions are the two main non-weather events that cannot prompt a "warning" or “emergency”. Their unpredictability makes it hard for immediate action, but a "watch” can be issued if there is sufficient data to infer that a potential quake or eruption is imminent, but not always guaranteed.

Seasonal Outlooks

At the start of each meteorological season, the DWPS releases their Seasonal Outlook forecast that provides a short overview of what they expect to come for that season. These reports come every four months: March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. Each report provides two forecasts: the Level of Average and Chance of Abnormality. The LoA comes in five levels, while the CoA comes in three levels. For the following forecasts, we will be using summer as the season example.

Level of Average-

Below Average: This states that summer in the dream world will be underwhelming. You are going to see many dimensions with temperate or cool temperatures than what summer historically has been in the dream world. As for weather, there will be less observations of rain, thunderstorms, heat, and tropical cyclone behavior. There is also the chance for observations of snow, but this is rare.

Near-below Average: This states that summer in the dream world will be close to normal, but somewhat underwhelming in some dimensions. You are likely to see some dimensions with temperate or cool temperatures than what summer historically has been in the dream world. As for weather, the typical observations of rain, thunderstorms and heat, but some dimensions will observe less. Snow is not likely in this scenario.

Average: This states that summer in the dream world will be normal as most other years have been historically. You will see dimensions with normal, historical temperatures for this time of year. As for weather, you will see normal observations of rain, thunderstorms, heat, and 1-2 tropical cyclones possible in dimensions that historically have seen this weather. Small chance for a tornado or hailstorm observation.

Near-above Average: This states that summer in the dream world will be close to normal, but somewhat overwhelming in some dimensions. You are likely to see some dimensions with hotter temperatures than what summer historically has been in the dream world. As for weather, the typical observations of rain, thunderstorms and heat, but some dimensions will observe more. There is also the possibility for 2-3 tropical cyclones in such a forecast, as well as a slight chance of tornado and hailstorm observations.

Above Average: This states that summer in the dream world will be overwhelming. You are going to see many dimensions with hotter than normal temperatures than what summer historically has been in the dream world. As for weather, there will be more observations of rain, thunderstorms, heat, and tropical cyclone behavior. This also raises the threat for severe weather like tornadoes and hailstorms.

Chance of Abnormality-

Low: This states that the chances of seeing abnormal weather for summer is 1-40% likely. In this case, it’s not likely to see snow precipitation, or wide-spread thunderstorm activity which includes tornadoes, hailstorms, or tropical cyclone activity across much of the dream world. While it’s still possible, the chances are slim, but never zero.

Medium: This states that the chances of seeing abnormal weather for summer is around 40-60% likely. In this case, it’s possible to see snow precipitation, or wide-spread thunderstorm activity which includes tornadoes, hailstorms, or tropical cyclone activity across much of the dream world. 

High: This states that the chances of seeing abnormal weather for summer is around 60-99% likely. In this case, you will be seeing snow precipitation, or wide-spread thunderstorm activity which includes tornadoes, hailstorms, or tropical cyclone activity across much of the dream world.