Operation: Blackout

When: November 7 through December 5

Main Characters: Francis, Daiki, Nate, Kamaria, M3-0W, Vivienne, Matías, Lucid, Ophelia, Cirrus, Finnegan

Size: Large event

Type: Storyline

Description: Operation: Blackout was an event in the game. After a sudden freak snow storm blanketed the dream world and a blackout completely put it in the dark, Francis revealed that he was behind this scheme and ultimately declared himself "de facto leader" of the rural dream world. This plan put the dream world to a complete halt as snow piled up and left residents in the cold and dark. It was up to the DPF consisting of Daiki, Kamaria, Nate, and M3-0W to infiltrate Francis' underground base in an attempt to shut down the weather machine causing the snow storm, rescuing Finnegan whom Francis kidnapped, shutting down a "ticking time-bomb" portal, and arresting Francis. Luckily, the DPF was able to shut down the weather machine, rescue Finnegan, and arrest Francis! However, the portal itself was set to blow up, but not before Lucid himself spontaneously showed up and shut it down himself! The operation was deemed a success and the dream world went on to recover. Lucid's valiant effort shocked the dream world, but his fate is in the hands of the Council, who will decide what to do about him now in 2025.

Screenshots of in-game rooms during the event

Screenshots of Francis' underground base