Operation: Resurrection
When: October 26 through November 9
Main Characters: Almoral, Finnegan, Eliazar, Kodia, Francis
Size: Large event
Type: Storyline
Description: Operation: Resurrection was an event in the game. Several spirits were resurrected and let loose into the dream world from the Quartier Fantôme. Lost and with no way to get back home, Almoral, Finnegan, Eliazar and Kodia headed into the strange and hidden region of the famed Ghost District to try and get them back home in time before Halloween came to a close. But while there, they find out that Francis had also been in the region and he was the one who resurrected all the spirits! After explaining that he resurrected them to form an army, his plan failed and he now needed help collecting fuel to power the same machine he used to resurrect them to now lure them back home. After helping Francis out, it turns out it was a trick to let him escape the region. Almoral ended up using his necromancer powers to bring the spirits back home and Finnegan revealed the mission was a top secret plan to try and collect Francis' DNA samples as the DPF didn't have this yet. While Francis escaped, the spirits were safely brought home and the DPF now has possession to DNA belonging to Francis.