Thursday, November 9, 2023

Edition 115


By: Roman

The Halloween season has officially come and gone in the dream world.

Following a month full of specter sightings, the situation appears to have been resolved entirely. A group led by ROTU Leader Finnegan into the Quartier Fantôme managed to successfully bring back all of the lost specters back home. The mission, originally top-secret but later declassified by the DPF last week, was also successful in obtaining DNA samples of one of the dream world’s most notorious villains: Francis Robert P. Jackson.

While Francis got away, the DPF now has his DNA samples to test and put into their database for future reference. Not much else has been discussed by the DPF following this revelation, but additional details may surface soon. As the dream world settles back down following Halloween, November looks to be a quiet month.

As autumn continues for a few more weeks, dream world residents can expect relatively calm conditions across the dream world. Clean up crews may still be seen around as they clean up any leftover Halloween decorations. Beyond that, things look to be fine heading into the middle of the month.

November acts as a transition period between the Halloween season and the Holiday season. While decorations for Christmas aren’t up yet, the Pole dimension begins to see people book appointments to various matters. According to Pole data, appointments begin to be booked at a heavier pace towards the end of the month. Pole officials recommend booking an appointment ahead of time to avoid heavy traffic at the Pole.

Secretary of Christmas Affairs, Rainier, is currently ‘defrosting’- an inside joke by dream world residents. Rainier himself has acknowledged this joke recently and says he’s looking forward to the upcoming holiday season.

Elsewhere, the dream world remains relatively calm. Stick with the Subliminal Tribune for the latest news when it happens!


By: Porter

The Parlour dimension is planning to hold an event soon and the details are slowly coming out.

According to early details, the Parlour dimension wants to hold some sort of anniversary event to commemorate ten years since it was established. The dimension is a restaurant that first appeared around ten years ago in the dream world. It serves as a place where its main specialty is pizza among other menu options. Dream world residents view the Parlour dimension with favourable opinions, though it can be compared to the Cafe dimension in terms of hospitality and ambience.

While the menu differs from the Cafe dimension, the Parlour dimension has been in business for almost ten years now with its top menu item being pizza. The restaurant serves different kinds of pizza such as regular cheese pizza, pepperoni, supreme, anchovy, and the lesser known sweet pizza. Other menu choices include pasta dishes, fish and other seafood dishes, chicken dishes, and desserts as well.

Ron, a waiter at the Parlour dimension, says that he knows about a plan to host an anniversary event soon, but doesn’t know what the event will consist of.

“Yeah, I’ve heard a rumour going around here about some event to mark the Parlour’s tenth anniversary,” he tells me, “To be honest, I don’t really know what’s going on behind the scenes. I just serve food here.”

I managed to talk to one of the chefs about the event, but details remain confidential.

“Yes, there’s definitely something planned…but we can’t say much yet…” Brie, a chef at the Parlour says, “If you like the pizza here, or just pizza in general, just stay tuned. Trust me, you’ll love what we have planned!”

The Parlour dimension is located just southwest of the Arcade dimension. For more information, you can visit or give them a call to place an order or ask questions regarding any events or reservations.

Q/A: Ask Nate

Dear Nate, how do you even exit the Backrooms?

By: Havta Leav

Hi Havta! Ah, the Backrooms is a very large dimension, isn’t it? It’s one of the most well-known dimensions in the real world. Humans have many perceptions and misconceptions about the Backrooms, such as the idea that there is no ‘exit’ in the Backrooms. Rest assured, there technically is!

All levels of the Backrooms have several exits that take you to the next level. There are a LOT of levels to the Backrooms and each one is different from the other. Within each level, there are multiple doors that are labeled as ‘fire exit’ that all lead to the next level of the Backrooms. You kind of have to stumble upon them as they’re scattered throughout a level. You might be in there for a while until you find a fire exit…

Now, what about actually leaving the Backrooms? Well, your best bet is to find a level that passes through another dimension. Some levels of the Backrooms pass through other dimensions of the dream world. The ‘soonest’ level that can get you out of the Backrooms dimension entirely is on level five. Level five passes through the Hotel dimension and there’s actually an area in the Hotel dimension that’s closed off because it leads to the level five of the Backrooms!

If you manage to find the actual exit to the Hotel dimension in level five, you’ll be out! Though keep in mind that this particular exit isn’t labeled as ‘fire exit’ at all. You have to be lucky to stumble upon the exit to the actual Hotel, but this is your earliest chance of actually leaving the Backrooms. You just have to make it to level five!

Of course, the easiest way is to find Fig in level one of the Backrooms. They opened up a bunch of portals to get out of there quickly! Gotta hand it to Fig, they really are a lifesaver!

Dear Nate, isthere internet in the dream world?

By: Webster Brouzer

Hello Webster! Just like in the real world, there is also internet in the dream world! Internet in the dream world functions very similarly as in the real world; you would need to get a connection of some sort, whether it be through wireless or cable connection. Once you do get connected, you have access to a lot of material!

I will say that internet service in the dream world varies by dimension. Not all dimensions will have access or WiFi that you will be able to use to connect to it. Service is quite spotty around the dream world, but you are always welcome to visit any of the technological dimensions like the Computer, Lab, Technology, and of course, Internet dimension for guaranteed internet access!

Something to note, some material you may try to access on the internet is restricted. The Council of the dream world also restricts certain content from being viewed. Plus, just like in the real world, you are always being monitored when browsing through pages or searching up things. Certain keywords or phrases can put you on the DPF’s monitor list; you won’t necessarily be arrested, but they will keep an extra eye on you just to make sure you aren’t doing anything wrong. Once it is determined you’re fine, you get taken off this list. The downside is that you never know if you’re on the list until you get a visit from an agent! So, be careful what you look up!

But as always, there are plenty of fun things on the internet here to check out. There are tons of news sources, sports, video viewing websites, even online games! My favorite online game is probably the one with the blocks. You get tools to mine blocks and make cool structures, and there are also animals in it too! It’s quite fun, but if you ever play, watch out for the monsters...they can hurt you in the game! Maybe we can play sometime together if we have time!

Upcoming Events:

Now- Halloween Party 2023 ends: All’s well that ends well! We bid farewell to the Halloween season and look forward to the next one in the next year! At least all the spirits have been safely returned home!

Now- Biz Mart back to normal : Sid’s back to his regular shift at Biz Mart. He’ll open up a book and read it throughout the night. It’s a quiet autumn night after all.

November 23- Dinner dimension returns: I can already smell the aroma coming from this dimension… Grab a seat, we’ll feast!

November 23- New room: Waiter, where’s my food?! I’ve been waiting here for fifteen minutes already!