Thursday, October 17, 2024

Edition 164


By: Roman

While it's not Halloween yet, it's certainly near.

If you've taken a walk in the dream world lately, you may have noticed that it's looking a bit darker and spookier. Many dimensions have been decorated ahead of Halloween, and there are a lot of pumpkins out there!

Residents of the rural dream world have taken to the streets to decorate their own and neighboring dimensions to look pretty spooky. Whether it's pumpkins, ghosts, skulls, or candy, you're bound to see Halloween just about everywhere.

Our Tribune reporters have ventured out into the dream world and viewed various areas. Here are some areas that they have decided are worth visiting ahead of Halloween!

The Cinema: Looking for something scary to watch? The Cinema will be screening a good selection of horror movies for you to go watch. We recommend coming along with a friend or two, or if you're brave enough, by yourself!

The Forest: For those who enjoy nature, the Forest is a good place for you to hang out with friends. Gather around the fire, but beware… There may be something out there watching you!

The Cafe: A rather typical good go-to choice, the Cafe is decorated for the season, but our reporters recommend this for their mysterious menu item. If you ask for the “Trick or Treat” item, there's a fifty-fifty chance you get a tasty treat or a spooky trick!

The Exorcist: This infamous dimension only comes once a year, but we're kind of glad it does. If you're one of those people who want to see a real life exorcism up close, this might be the place to go. We're not sure if it's a excellent day for one though.

The Parlor: This restaurant is known for some unique dishes, but during the Halloween season, they are known to serve a unique version of their candy pizzas! These candy pizzas are made with Halloween candy, and surprisingly enough, the candy corn one is the best- at least, that's what our reporters agree on…

The Neighborhood: Last but not least, if you're looking to get ahead on your Halloween night activities, the Neighborhood is already handing out candy to travelers! However, residents here are more likely to give out candy if you are in a costume. We had to send our reporters back in costume to get some candy!

There are many more dimensions to check out ahead of Halloween. Let us know if you decide to visit any of our recommended choices or if you find one that you think deserves a visit! 


By: Oswald


The Dimension Power and Energy Company recently said that they’re seeing less energy usage lately in the rural dream world.

DPEC acknowledged that, as a result of dimensions being decorated ahead of Halloween, many of these places have turned off their lights to “better fit the ambience” of the season.

“It’s interesting to see residents turn off the lights in the rural dream world every year for Halloween,” DPEC chief Lumière said, “I mean, it does look spooky out there. I suppose it fits the Halloween spirit just right.”

Chief Lumière states that less lights means less energy being used in the rural dream world. The chief also stated that this also means there is an increased risk of accidents as well.

“With less lights being on out there, there is less energy being used on the power grid,” they said, “However, we tend to see a bit more accidents as a result of this. Those unable to see in the dark may trip and fall or experience some other mishap.”

The chief says that for those travelling in the rural dream world, a flashlight or some other form of artificial light will be needed to navigate dark areas.

“It is already always recommended that you carry some sort of artificial light with you in the dream world as many areas are naturally dark,” chief Lumière explained, “However, areas that are not normally dark will be hard to navigate if you cannot see well in dimly lit areas. Please make sure to use caution and carry a flashlight or lantern with you.”

The chief also said that this time of year puts less work on DPEC workers who monitor outages in the rural dream world.

“Our lights are usually always on, but our workers are constantly monitoring for any disruption in power in our rural areas,” chief Lumière said, “But now that energy usage is down, our workers can focus more on the District which uses the most amount of energy and redirect any work on minor problems there.”

Chief Lumière said that if anyone does experience a problem with power in the rural dream world, DPEC will still respond to any inquiries.

“Of course, things happen. If you do experience a power outage, don’t be afraid to report to DPEC. We will send workers out there to fix it,” they said, “Although right now, with a lot of lights off, it almost looks like a blackout, haha.”

To report an outage, you can visit DPEC’s website or dial *3732 and then follow the instructions.

Q/A: Ask Almoral

Dear Almoral, why don’t you get anyone to tidy up your mansion?
By: Klee Nupp

Hello Klee! Um, you see, there USED to be someone who helped clean up around here. But…things happened… However! I started to notice that the clutter and dust kind of added to the atmosphere I was trying to achieve. I mean, I have GOOD taste when it comes to atmosphere. Just look at this place! It's definitely an awesome place to live in!!

Dear Almoral, how many skulls do you own?

By: Calla Vera

Hello Calla! Wow, that's a good question actually… Let me think real hard… I have SO many skulls! They are all in different shapes, colors, forms, and more! A lot of the skulls that I get are from a cool flea market post that always has a bunch of skulls and other trinkets for sale! I'm practically a regular! I'd say in all my years of buying… I have like… well I know it's more than ten… It's like over a hundred…two hundred? More? I stopped counting after that!

Dear Almoral, why did you decide to let your facial hair grow?

By: Harry Looks

Hello Harry! Sometimes, we all kind of need a new look every now and then. While I don't think my hair needs a new style, I think maybe not shave my face for once and see what happens. Turns out, letting my facial hair grow makes me look awesome! Hehe, I definitely look more handsome now!

Dear Almoral, what's with all the books in your mansion?

By: Luvtu Reed

Hello Luvtu! Um… I'll be honest, there's a lot here I haven't bothered to even read. You see, some of these books I *had* to read because I had to learn the tricks of necromancy. The rest of them? BORING!!! No offense to bookworms out there, but I just can't read EVERYTHING here. They're just there to fill up space! You know, when Lucid was here, he actually read every single book! Yeah, he really did! He's so smart and amazing and cool and awesome!!!

Dear Almoral, what's one thing you remember Lucid telling you?

By: Memmo Ree

Hello Memmo! Hehe, I love questions about Lucid! He's so awesome, isn't he??? Okay, well, there's a lot of things that I remember Lucid telling me. You know, Lucid's…different. There have been a lot of people who I've met in my life who've looked down on me and thought of me as someone not worthy of teaching me new things. I thought Lucid was going to see me as that, but…he didn't. Having someone like Lucid who's literally a GENIUS not give up on me and actually want to help me learn new things felt…nice. He told me that every person is deserving of learning no matter how old they are. He taught me a lot in that time and I remember all of it! Bah…I just wish he taught me how to build a portal to the real world! I won't hold it against him though, hehe.

Dear Almoral, do you prefer dark or light?

By: Fran Ziss

Hello Fran! Wait let me think about this… On one hand, darkness is definitely a vibe! I mean, it's spooky, mysterious and it definitely brings suspense to the atmosphere! The dark is also kind of ominous, but it's the thrill of the unknown that really pumps me up! On the other hand, you can't see anything in the dark…and that's why we need light! Light really brings things out and makes the place shine. If it wasn't for light, then jack-o'-lanterns would be boring! Christmas would be sad! The dark would be lonely! Hmm, the light really is something special, huh? This question is tough! It makes me think about how granted we take the light to be. Can you imagine if the dream world was dark everywhere? It'd be cool for a minute, but then I'd want the lights back on to see! I kind of have respect for the power company for keeping the lights on in the dream world. We wouldn't want to have a DARK world around here!!!

Upcoming Events:

NOW- Halloween Party 2024: Boo! I don't mean to scare you, but the Halloween season is officially upon us! Venture out into the dream world and see just how spooky things have gotten! Disclaimer: There is no parasite or ghosts running amok this year.

NOW- Operation Resurrection rerun: Speaking of ghosts, you can revisit the story quest of how and why Francis let ghosts loose from the Quartier Fantôme last year. You'll get to tag along with Finnegan, Kodia, Eliazar, Rigor, Morticia, and of course- Almoral!

OCTOBER 31- Happy Halloween: Can you believe it falls on a Thursday this year? I wonder if anything in particular is going to happen on this date…?

IN NOVEMBER- GENESIS 1:2 : The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. 

RUN IT BACK: Operation Resurrection returns for you to see what happened during last year's Halloween event. SPOILER: It involved Francis...