Rainier's birthday - December 24, 2023

Hey there Traveler! I see you're out on Christmas Eve...were you out looking for me? 

You may notice I'm not at the Pole right now, but that's because we got everything under control before the deadline today! Low visits and traffic to the Pole this year contributed to everyone focusing more on assembling gifts and wrapping them all as we weren't busy this year. I finally have some time to myself on Christmas Eve to just enjoy the day before lift-off tonight! 

What's that in your hand? A gift for me? No no, you're too kind! I don't need gifts- not for Christmas and not for my birthday! Just the idea of Christmas getting back to normal and your help this year was the greatest gift I could get! But hey, you can come over to watch Santa's sleigh take off! You get special clearance to the control room to watch our operations as Santa travels through the dream world in one night- how cool would that be?! 

Another successful Christmas and birthday in the books and it's all thanks to you~! Now let's get back to the Pole and get ready for takeoff...time's a ticking!   - Rainier
