Sylveran's birthday - January 1, 2023

Well what do we have here? Traveler, what are you doing? My birthday? And what little birdy told you it was my birthday today? 

Hmph, no matter. I suppose since you're already here, I could use a helping hand. Yes Traveler, even on my birthday, I am working. After all, crime doesn't stop on special days nor does it take holidays off. I had you in my sights for a while now, but after seeing you try to help the dream world out this past year, I suppose you have gained some of my trust. Don't think I won't keep my eyes off of you entirely just yet though. 

I'm surprised you decided to come see me today, but I should thank you for making my Christmas wish come true. When you look like a nightmare, people will misjudge you, but I'm...happy...that you saw past that. Well then, enough of the sappy talk. I could use a hand or two today. 

So what do you say, little one? Care to join me today on a hunt for crime? It certainly beats sitting around and doing nothing on New Year's Day. Let's hope this year for the books.   - Sylveran