Cirrus' birthday - February 9, 2025
Hello Traveler! Funny seeing you here!
With winter still on top of us, I'm here collecting ice samples from the Beach to go test back at our labs. Examining the ice will allow us to get a better understanding of how the weather this season may be different or the same when compared to other seasons. After all, winter started a bit earlier than usual...
I don't mind having to work on my birthday, actually! There's a difference between working on your birthday in a job you don't like versus one you do like. I love my job! I think getting to do a field assignment like this definitely beats the usual routine tasks back at the office.
If you have the time, you can always help me out! Collecting ice samples isn't a hard task, but it will definitely be cold, so bundle up! Why don't you stay and help? It's not every day you get to see snow and ice on the beach! - Cirrus