Thursday, March 6, 2025

Edition 184

NEWS FLASH: Chief detective Sylveran announces that he will file one order each day for seven days during his first week in the role. His first order today has reimposed criminal charges on Lucid.

Chief Sylveran in the office of the chief of the DIA following his swear-in. | March 6, 2025


By: Porter

Breaking news: the Council of the dream world has hired Sylveran D. Angelus for the role of chief detective at the DPF’s Detective Investigation Agency.

In a rather stunning but divisive vote, the Council narrowly approved the famed bounty hunter and ex-DIA agent to the position. Council-members Cornelius, Esfir, and Oak voted in favor with council-member Zhang being the key vote to secure it. In contrast, council-members Shafira, Āniwaniwa, and Tezcacotl opposed the nomination and voted against it.

This comes just a week after the same Council voted 4-3 to fire ex-chief detective Daiki.

Earlier today, Sylveran was officially sworn in as Chief detective making him just the ninth DIA chief in history. Upon being sworn in, Sylveran filed an order that reimposed criminal charges on Lucid which were dropped just a month ago.

“By filing this order, I'm making it clear that criminals need to do their time and don't get any passes,” the new chief detective stated, “It serves as a lesson and a warning to anyone who is evading charges and ultimately, the law.”

Following this order, the chief detective said it would be the only order of the day, but would begin filing other orders in the days to come.

“As of today, this is the only order I'm filing, but it will not be the last,” Sylveran said, “I'm looking to modernize the DIA and bring it into the twenty-first century. A bit ironic coming from an ancient person like me, no? A new era at the DIA has just begun.” 

Sylveran's hiring has polarized the dream world with seemingly half of the public approving of it and the other half disapproving it. On LiminalSpaces, pro-Sylveran trends such as “Congrats Sylveran” and “NEW ERA” were simultaneously trending alongside “#NotMyChief” and “#DismissLucid”. The Academy of the dream world conducted a poll on Wednesday that had about 56% of those polled approving of Sylveran’s hiring.

Sylveran's nomination comes just almost two years after the previous nomination of current DDCP chief Ophelia in 2023. That nomination was not met with any opposition in comparison to Sylveran's, and was unanimous in the final confirmation vote. Sylveran's 4-3 approval is the narrowest vote since Leader Finnegan's in 1989. 

The chief was also asked about former DIA chief Daiki, who is still in the DIA, but remains on administrative leave.

“He is more than welcome to continue working at the DIA. I don't really have any plans with him,” Sylveran said, “If he wants to leave, that's another option too. I don't really care. I wish him well if he chooses to leave.”

The former chief detective has not been publicly seen in a week. He has also not publicly spoken in that same timespan, but DPU chief Matías says the chief is “fine,” and wants to be “left alone.”

“He is fine, but simply wants to be left alone at home,” chief officer Matías explained, “I don't know what his plans are in the near-future, but I hope he plans to stay.”

With Sylveran's confirmation, this becomes the first time an angel heads the detective agency. It's not known what Sylveran's next moves will be as chief, but time will tell. This is a developing story. Stick with the Tribune for the latest.


By: Arial

Following Sylveran's confirmation, you may be wondering, who is he exactly?

Sylveran D. Angelus is a famed bounty hunter in the dream world that has an extraordinary track record when it comes to finding criminals. Sylveran’s career of bounty hunting has earned him a rather lavish lifestyle. The bounty hunter has lived in his own estate and mansion in the rural dream world since 1955.

Prior to being a bounty hunter, Sylveran worked for many centuries at the DPF- particularly the DIA. He was often regarded as a very exceptional detective, though either just below or at the same level as ex-DIA chief Daiki. However, Sylveran quit and left the DPF all-together in 1924 following chief Daiki’s assumption into the office of chief detective.

Sylveran is not unfamiliar to the DIA and how it works, but it has been a century since his departure and there have been slow, steady changes in the agency since. The new chief detective has already promised that he will be looking to bring and modernize the agency into the twenty-first century. Among other promises, he also hopes to be tougher on crime, ensure smoother case resolutions, and to bring Lucid to justice.

However, what will happen next at the DIA for these goals to be achieved?

A few DIA agents have sent anonymous letters to the Tribune worried about the future of it. They state that Daiki’s tenure as chief was calm, but worthwhile for work. Sylveran’s ambitions appear to be too “forced” and “heavy” according to these letters, and they aren’t sure how he’ll keep his promises.

“I’m not scared about Sylveran. I’m scared about what this agency will be turned into just so he can get what he wants,” one letter said, “It’s not necessarily seeing crime being reduced. He merely wants to go after Lucid. That’s it.”

“Lucid has always been Sylveran’s top target as bounty hunter,” another letter said, “Sylveran now has access to a lot of information and files he didn’t have as a bounty hunter. I’m very much pro-Lucid, but I am scared for him now more than ever before.”

“The Council has weaponized the DIA,” one letter angrily wrote, “If this doesn’t make you angry, you’re not paying attention.”

Sylveran has stated that he plans to file one order for seven days during his first week as chief detective, but the range of these orders are unknown and the public won’t know until they are issued. The future of the DIA looks clear to some, but opaque to others. Stay with the Tribune for the latest news when it develops.

Q/A: Ask Nate

Dear Nate, how do you feel about Sylveran as chief detective?

By: Oh Knos

Hi Oh! Well… it’s pretty scary, I think.

Sylveran as chief detective can mean a LOT of things for the DIA. During my last time in the DIA, chief Daiki did scold me for some things, but I now understand it was for me to learn and get better. He knew how to run things! Sylveran…I’m not sure how he’s going to run the agency now. He may be tough and scary to agents there and who knows if a lot of people will quit or ask to be moved into another agency…

Let’s not forget that Sylveran is also very much after Lucid. I don’t understand it and neither has Lucid. At one point, Sylveran considered Lucid his very first friend in the DPF. Many, many years later, he completely turns against Lucid and acts like he is an enemy…even before his trial! I really don’t know what Sylveran has against Lucid, but his role as chief detective will look to find and capture him once and for all. I can’t lie when I say I’m scared for Lucid…

I guess I can give Sylveran a chance, but he’s already reimposed Lucid’s criminal charges so it’ll be hard to give him a chance. I only hope that the DIA doesn’t implode on itself, but hey, I’m in the IAA now! I sure hope Director Ferekides doesn’t move me back into the DIA, hahaha…

Dear Nate, are all places in the dream world directly connected to human memory and nostalgia?

By: Ree Cawl

Hello Ree! You may have heard that the dream world is made up of various dimensions and areas that reflect a good chunk of human memory and nostalgia, but not so fast! Much of the dream world is quite barren and void of any signs of life. It's either completely bare or just lots of trees like a giant never ending forest. That's not to say that this empty land can be an opportunity for others!

Sometimes, people may prop up their own businesses, homes, or other forms of buildings in the dream world. These buildings are not directly tied to human memory because someone from the dream world built them! Just as humans can buy up land to build their own property, we have the power to do that too- with a price, of course!

Cappy's Cat Cafe is the perfect example of this. The restaurant is located in the middle of nowhere and Cappy decided to choose this particular piece of land to build his cafe. It's a dream worldian building not made as a result of humans and there are plenty of other examples like this. Perhaps someone decides to build a house they can live in away from others, or maybe someone builds a restaurant, or what about a gas station in the middle of nowhere? That last one would be strange…considering we don't really use vehicles down here, but hey it's a possibility!

These places are not necessarily labeled as dimensions since either they are man-made or too small to even be considered a dimension. The Dimension Enforcement Agency, which goes out and inspects whether an area can/can still be classified as a dimension would have to approve or unapprove current or existing requests for such an area to be dubbed as a dimensions, and the chances of that are low if it's man made.

In any case, you may stumble upon these areas and wonder "is this a real human world location?" and chances are, it may not be! Someone from our own dream world bought land and constructed their own property! Trust me, if you've been around long enough, you'll know that there's a LOT of barren land and nothing but trees that stretch out long distances. There's bound to be an area that captures your eye and gives you a boost to build your own place!

Upcoming Events:

NOW- ENTER SYLVERAN: The DIA has a new chief! While not unfamiliar with the agency itself, it’s unknown what’s to come. One thing is certain…Lucid’s back on the radar…

NOW- Neighborhood dimension returns: The Neighborhood has been expanded for the first time since 2021! It now includes a new street through the suburbs of another neighborhood. And this time, it’s permanently back!

NOW- Gazebo returns: Spring has sprung! This seasonal dimension returns in time for the spring season. Time to waltz through the flowers!

MARCH 13- St. Patrick’s event: If you’re feeling lucky as of late, you’re not alone! The luckiest event of the year will arrive and honestly, we just want some of that pot’o’gold.

LATER THIS MONTH- Tick tock, tick tock: Something’s ticking on the horizon and it’ll only be a matter of time to find out what it is. Here’s a hint: it might be a bit silly…or maybe a bit minute.

NEW NEIGHBORHOOD:  Skip down a newly added street down a liminal suburban neighborhood...and this time, it's here to stay!