Regular Dimensions

WHAT: 'Regular' dimensions are your typical areas of the dream world. Dimensions are categorized as one or more stable areas that consist of similar matter that allow them to exist in the dream world as a result of human memories. They can come in various sizes- whether small or big. Regular dimensions can consist of several areas in one; this is because these areas are made up of similar matter allowing them to be 'grouped' together, thus making for some strange layouts.

WHO: The DPF's Dimension Patrol Unit is in charge of looking over and taking care of dimensions. The DPU sends out patrol officers on routine patrols to ensure that dimensions are behaving normally and to seek out any potential crimes being committed. If you are ever lost and/or need assistance with anything, it is best to locate your nearest patrol officer to redirect you in the right direction.

Below are the current 'regular' dimensions you can visit in the game. They are listed in alphabetical order; click/tap to open up more information on said dimension. Each dimension includes a fun fact from me!


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Don’t look up- you might get dizzy! Apartment buildings surround an empty courtyard that feels lonely. Each building holds seven floors of apartments, but it appears the sixth floor doesn’t house any occupants.

FUN FACT: While there are various versions of this place in real life, I decided to make my own for the game.


ADDED IN-GAME: September 2021

INFO: The sounds of machines beeping and buzzing can be heard all around here. While many people come to spend and waste their time trying to beat high scores and collect things out of the claw machine, it is very difficult to determine the time of day that this dimension exhibits. No one is quite sure if it’s day or night, or just how long time has passed in here, but as long as the machines work, and the atmosphere remains dim, it’s years of fun in here!

FUN FACT: This room got a retouch in 2023 and is seen as in the image above.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Ah yes, you have noclipped into the infamous Backrooms. Not to worry! There are portals that have been opened, with permission, to access other dimensions and leave this place. Unless you decide to stay there, who would want to stay trapped in that place if the carpet smells weird?

FUN FACT: During some events in the game, the Backrooms is also temporarily decorated; the name of the Backrooms also temporarily changes depending on the event!


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Woah. Okay. This place is a little funky. What are all these boxes doing here? Can we open them? What exactly do they store? Hey look, this one is going to the Monochrome, but what’s in it? No one really knows how this dimension really works. It's quite strange- weird even!

FUN FACT: This room is based off a room from the game, Club Penguin, and can only be accessed by the portal box hidden in the Backrooms.


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2021

INFO: It smells quite nice in this dimension! If we get in line, we can order a coffee or maybe a cup of tea from the barista. They also serve croissants, scones, biscuits, and other bread dishes here, but nothing too extreme. We can have a seat on one of the couches here while enjoying our warm drinks and maybe chat or catch the latest scoop of the newspaper. The atmosphere is quite nice, I find it very cozy.

FUN FACT: This room is completely inspired by the Coffee Shop room that was in Club Penguin; in 2023, an upstairs area was made as the Cafe's book room.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Something seems off about this’s like you’ve been there before at some point in your life. Those clouds look dreamy...maybe it’s a nice place to take a nap.

FUN FACT: This particular room is taken from a screenshot of Super Mario 64; in 2023, an extra area was connected to it.


ADDED IN-GAME: September 2021

INFO: Be sure to watch your step in this dimension. Standing water floods the place, and there are stains, vines, and mold on the walls. This dimension is very dirty, and needs to be cleaned up by a DPF member pronto! It also appears that a summoning tried to take place, but ultimately failed. I guess you can't summon a demon in these conditions...

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by a picture provided to me! I gave it its own little twist, and yes, some lore occurred here.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Grab some popcorn and let’s head inside- the movie’s about to start! This dimension can bring movies to life for the cheap price of free! The water fountains may be broken, but at least the carpet is fuzzy.

FUN FACT: This room is taken from a real image as well and was given a retouching in 2022.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Come one, come all, to the amazing circus! Whether you’re a professional clown, acrobat, magician, or simply goofy and silly, you can entertain the crowd with your tricks! Climb the pole and show us what you got!

FUN FACT: This is a room inspired by how I’ve seen some circuses in movies and other media. I think it’s a fun room to be in if you want to goof around with friends.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Ah, the classroom, where learning happens. If you’re on good behavior, you might get a sticker! Those with bad behavior are asked to sit in the hall, or sit in their seat, while the rest of the class plays. And don’t look now, but it looks like it’s movie day!

FUN FACT: Some of the names on the behavior chart are based on some of the characters in the game, while others are my other original characters not tied to the story in any way.


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2021

INFO: It’s time to boogie and get funky with it! The sounds of music blast through the speakers in here, and look at that, a whole dancefloor just for us! Bust a move, come on now! Don’t wanna dance? Why don’t you be the DJ for the night and turn up the volume? How about a dance contest? The floor is all yours!

FUN FACT: This room is inspired entirely by the Dance Club that was in Club Penguin.


ADDED IN-GAME: August 2022

INFO: For those who venture the vast network of railroad lines in the dream world, you may encounter a little neighborhood that a nearby rail line cuts through. It's a quiet neighborhood, that is until the nearby railroad gate starts to announce an oncoming train. The only problem is that the gate appears to announce a non-existent train, and this noise goes on for several months, much to the annoyance of the residents there. 

FUN FACT: The houses in this dimension are inspired by the neighborhood from the 2003 movie, "The Cat In The Hat".


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Whew, this dimension is pretty warm, even if it’s night! It looks like a long road that cuts through nothing but desert, and if you’re looking for services, it appears the next sign of civilization is 199 miles away. What’s with that lone phone booth by the way?

FUN FACT: This room is based off the isolated Nevada highways that cut through the desert. It’s definitely another world of its own since it feels so eerie and isolated from civilization in real life!


ADDED IN-GAME: September 2021

INFO: Hungry for food? Your best bet may be to cook the food you have at home. While the establishment in this dimension claims to be fast-food, it's anything but fast. Wait times to receive service are unusually long- sometimes months! While chicken nuggets and an ice cream cone sound good, you better be prepared to wait a while for them.

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by one of my local fast-food restaurants. It's also supposed to be a parody of "fast-food" in this case, it makes fun of the fact that sometimes by "fast" they mean really slow service! Ice cream machine broke?


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2021

INFO: Ahh, another winter dimension. The air outside is very cold, but luckily we have our hoodies on real tight. I could surely go for some tea and maybe a bagel right now. Oh, would you look at that? That establishment over there serves tea and bagels! Let’s head inside where it’s warm and toasty. The snow outside gently is quite serene, actually.

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by a real life Dunkin’ Donuts located in my city; it got expanded in 2023.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Oh, it looks like you’re in some top secret facility that holds experiments. While the subjects of these experiments are undisclosed, they seem to enjoy reading, doing puzzles, and watching television. The rainbow wall and carpet are very reassuring, and clearly signals that these subjects are young.

FUN FACT: This room is based off the rainbow room from Stranger Things!


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Filler text

FUN FACT: Filler text


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: This dimension holds a few pieces of art. It is very quiet here and it is advised to not touch the art. You just wish they had somewhere to sit in there!

FUN FACT: The picture of the moon on the wall was actually taken by me using my own telescope!


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Come sit, spin the clock, and roll the dice. Move your own piece however many spaces the dice tell you to. It's hours of fun here playing the game! I mean, you have no idea how the game works or when it ends, but it’s fun, right?!

FUN FACT: This room is somewhat based off of a real image, but that image was cropped so I had to improvise the rest of the room in my own way. It’s another one of my favorite rooms!


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: This purple lit hallway leads to the exit from this place. There’s not much to do here, and the sound of those air conditioners may drive you crazy. It’s best to just walk out.

FUN FACT: The rooms are based from images of actual places in real life; it was expanded in 2022 and then again in 2023.



INFO: The Hills might look like they have eyes, but look again! Those glowing red dots are actually part of a group of antenna towers looking down over a lone dirt road passing through the dimension. If it smells like corn, you'd be right! You can't actually climb up the hill though, as it's restricted, and you definitely need a flashlight if you're passing by here!

FUN FACT: This room was partly inspired by a few real-life images and ideas given to me.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO:’s cold in here! In this dimension, it’s always winter! And winter means snow! Do some snow angels while the snow falls gently down, meanwhile, smoke bellows from the chimney of the house. Do you think its occupants are having a lovely night?

FUN FACT: This is probably another one of my favorite rooms, mainly because it reminds me of Christmas.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: In the middle of the night, this intersection is quite empty. Maybe you could run the red light and not get caught? It feels so lonely out here, and that red light has been red for what seems like ever. Maybe we should just walk instead, and we’ll get there faster.

FUN FACT: It's always raining in this room, except during the winter when it snows!


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: You wake up and suddenly you’re stranded on an island! You can’t necessarily call for help since it’s the middle of the ocean. Perhaps it’s time to adapt to a coconut based diet.

FUN FACT: I based this place from postcards I’ve seen of islands in the middle of the ocean, and while I could’ve used real water, I decided to do fake water for this room instead.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Click clack beep beep boop. Those are the sounds of keyboard typing and computers responding. Students here work hard on their assignments when they can...or they're playing online games without supervision. Oops!

FUN FACT: This room is sort of based on the computer lab from my old elementary school, although not exact, since I’m basing this off muscle memory; it got a retouch in 2023.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: If you smell something nice, it’s probably fabric softener. This dimension is used to wash and dry clothes, but it seems like the clothes take forever to wash or dry… At least it’s quiet, no?

FUN FACT: This room was going to lead to an outdoor wintry area, but this idea was scrapped in early 2023.


ADDED IN-GAME: February 2022

INFO: Going up? The lifts here seem to act as portals that drop you off at other dimensions that have lifts as well, and it’s completely random too. Pressing a button to the sixth floor may have you end up in a completely different dimension! Humans who have played the infamous elevator game in the real world actually end up in the dream world if they succeed at it. Let's just take the stairs everyone!

FUN FACT: This room is based off of a picture of a real life location.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: It feels quite cozy in this dimension! Located in the middle of the woods, sits this particular lodge. Kick back and sit on the sofa while the fireplace crackles- oh wait, it’s not even lit?

FUN FACT: This room is taken from a real image I saw on the internet posted on a liminal space account.


ADDED IN-GAME: September 2021

INFO: Shop ‘til you drop! The Mall is home to various outlets and retails stores that meet just anyone’s needs. Books! Fashion! Gardening! Electronics! Music! And more! Shoppers are asked to come during open hours, and refrain from stopping by during closing hours.

FUN FACT: This mall is an original design, with some inspiration from my local mall; it got expanded in 2024 to include the first floor of the Mall (image above).


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2022

INFO: Located in a remote part of the dream world, this motel has seen a lot within the last 50 years or so. If you happen to stumble upon across it, why not book a night? Sure, the rooms smell a little funky, the carpet is shaggy, and there's only a limited amount of channels to access, but at least it's far from the nearest dimension, and that makes it the perfect spot if you're looking to stay low...

FUN FACT: The motel sign by the pine trees is inspired by a real life sign; the design of the motel is also inspired by an image.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2022

INFO: We interrupt this program to bring you...this dimension. Located in the middle of Nowhere (no, that's literally the name of the town!), this house is said to have been subject to numerous strange occurrences. Aliens? Check. Bigfoot? Check. A strange masked woman? Also check. So when creepy stuff happens in Nowhere, who exactly is it up to to save this home?

FUN FACT: This dimension is inspired entirely by a show from my childhood, Courage The Cowardly Dog.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Need a check-up? The doctor will be with you shortly. Or, not for a while. It seems like waiting in here takes forever...what day is it again? Did they call me already?

FUN FACT: This room is based off of my doctor’s office as a kid, though mostly from muscle memory.


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2023

INFO: Mmm...something smells good! If you're ever around, be sure to visit the Parlor dimension. Their pizzas are very delicious and hand made! Their menu includes pepperoni, veggie, cheese, deluxe, and a peculiar sweet pizza. Mama mia!

FUN FACT: This room is inspired entirely from Club Penguin.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Surprise! Happy Birthday! Here is a gift from me to you. Open it! Do you like it? Come, let’s sit and have cake! This will be the best birthday party you’ll ever have!

FUN FACT: Upon release, it was one single room until it got expanded to include the room in the image above in 2022.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Let’s go play! Be sure to take turns on the playground when using the slide, monkey bars, and swings. You can also spin round and round on the wheel, or sit on a bench and watch others play. The sun is setting, but the fun doesn’t end!

FUN FACT: This room is based off of both my own memories of playgrounds as a kid and also a submission. I sort of combined both to make this room and this was the result.


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2021

INFO: The pitter patter of rain in this dimension is almost all year-round. Some of the businesses here are used to it, and often ask that customers wipe their feet on the mat when entering their business. While everything closes down at night, it’s nice to listen to the rain fall gently on the pavement, while waiting for businesses to open back up again.

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by a plaza in my own city! Driving around the city often gives me new ideas, and this was one of them.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Come on in, the water’s fine! This pool in someone’s backyard is perfect to escape the summer heat. Although, for some reason, it does attract unwanted visitors.

FUN FACT: This dimension in the game is made up of three rooms; one of the rooms is based off of the pool levels from Plants vs. Zombies, the image above is based off a real life liminal space image, and third area is also based off of an image.


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2021

INFO: This dimension feels very familiar and almost quite nostalgic. It looks like most of these portables are empty of life, except for one. I don’t think anyone lives in them, per se, but perhaps they house other activities. The air is quite still’s kind of warm too. Everything is peaceful, all is well.

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by an image provided to me.


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2021

INFO: Yummy! This dimension hosts a little ramen shop where you can step in and enjoy a nice bowl of it. They say that this ramen shop has seen some very interesting individuals stop by before, but I have yet to see them for myself. In the meantime, thank you for the food!

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by Ichiraku Ramen, home of Naruto’s favorite ramen in the whole Leaf village!


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2021

INFO: While there are many variants of this dimension, this particular one feels a little different than the others. It seems this room is void of any furniture or life. I heard the previous owners moved out of here, so now this room is empty. At least it has an A/C and a very pretty view of the sky outside.

FUN FACT: Believe it or not, the spawn area of this room is inspired by one of the rooms in my own house, before we moved in; it was expanded in 2023 to include the image above.



INFO: As recently as the mid-1990s, this place saw many patients that were deemed too "insane" for the dream world society. Often, these patients were put in rooms where they were subject to studies and efforts to "stabilize" their well-being, in an effort to bring them back into society. A strange accident in 1996 forced this dimension to become abandoned, with many of the patients being released into the dream world still deemed "insane" and there is speculation and questions as to what caused such an accident and where these patients are today.

FUN FACT: This room is based off entirely by an image of a real-life location; it was expanded in late 2022.


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2021

INFO: RIIIINNNGGG...that’s the sound of the bell. Not just any bell, but the school bell! We can’t run in the hallway, but maybe if we speed walk, we can get to class on time! Don’t forget to grab your materials from your locker beforehand, and remember to close it afterwards too. My favorite class is English! I hope the lesson will be easy today.

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by a real life image of a place; it was expanded in 2023 to include the image above and another area based off of my friend's apartment building.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Shh. The sign of the wall means that this is a quiet zone. You can hear professors giving lectures in their classrooms, but feel free to have a seat in here or out on the patio. Please refrain from eating or drinking in here, and please do not skip out on your class sections.

FUN FACT: This room is entirely based on my own college. It’s a place there that I like to sit because it’s very quiet and receives little foot traffic.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: This dimension is very dimly lit, and only by two lamp posts! It’s a sidewalk that passes through a neighborhood, but it appears it abruptly ends just ahead. Take a seat on the bench and relax!

FUN FACT: This room was based on a real image, however in that image, the “sidewalk closed” sign in game says “sidewalk ends” on the real image instead.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: All performers please head to the stage! You get to act and star in your own play. Or perhaps you’re auditioning for the talent show. Whatever the case, don’t disappoint the crowd! They want to see a good performance from you, so don’t let them down and give it all you got!

FUN FACT: This room is based off of a mix from my high school’s auditorium and the stage from Club Penguin.


ADDED IN-GAME: February 2022

INFO: Watch your step in here, no literally! There are many stairs to climb down or up in this dimension. This place would be a great place to get some steps in for exercise, or maybe even practice for a marathon or something. While it may be tempting to take the elevator, it's safer taking the stairs. I wonder what each door leads to? 

FUN FACT: This is the first, new room that was built in 2022!


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Stopping by this train station may be your best bet to take you home...or so you thought. While you could wait for a train, it feels like it’s been a while since the last one stopped by. Do you think the train is just as lost as you are?

FUN FACT: This is the first rebuild in the game of the very first dimension room I built in the game debuting in January 2022; the original version of this room only appears during April Fool's Party events.


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2021

INFO: Here are the keys to your room! Do you like it? You have a perfect view of the clouds and even neat paintings of poker cards hanging on the walls. Your bed is also quite comfortable and there’s even a little table to sit and admire the view of it all. Huh? What’s that? Everything’s upside down? But that shouldn’t be a problem, or is it? 

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by a real life image provided to me. Some things were improvised, but it is inspired by said image nonetheless.


ADDED IN-GAME: September 2022

INFO: If you need a place to call home in the dream world, there's always a trailer home. This dimension is located in the rural dream world and it's pretty quiet here. Not sure if it's the best place to live, but a home is a home.

FUN FACT: This dimension connects to the Lodge dimension, as well as another area.


ADDED IN-GAME: September 2021

INFO: The sounds of static and broadcasts can be heard in this room. Many televisions call this place home. There are many types of programs to enjoy too. Sports! Game shows! Cartoons! News! Weather! Infomercials!? Yup, those too. It's advised to not spend too much time in front of a screen. Pay no attention to the live feeds of other dimensions.

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by a picture sent to me. It was very fun to build all the television models too.


ADDED IN-GAME: July 2021

INFO: Shoot among the stars, you are one of them now! The vast plane of the universe is pretty and mysterious too. If you look close enough, you might see Earth and its moon.

FUN FACT: This room isn't actually accessible in the Backrooms lobby; it's accessible through a secret teleport somewhere at Biz Mart.



INFO: The mystery of this dimension lies within the glass panes itself. As if some weird glitch gave this place a repeating and seemingly never-ending row of walls and windows that don't really lead anywhere or feel like they belong. There's no point in peeping in a window either, for they are blocked off.

FUN FACT: This room is based off entirely by an image of a real-life location.