Seasonal Dimensions

WHAT: 'Seasonal' dimensions are your atypical areas of the dream world. These types of dimensions typically appear during certain times of the year- typically depending on the season. Because of this, these dimensions appear and then become lost for a brief period of time. Predicting when a seasonal dimension re-appears can be difficult, but the more they've appeared during a specific period in time, the more easier they are to predict returning during a similar period.

Below are the current 'seasonal' dimensions you can visit in the game. They are listed in alphabetical order; click/tap to open up more information on said dimension.


ADDED IN-GAME: August 2021

INFO: Smell that salty air, isn’t it pleasing? This dimension is relaxing; you can sit on the beach, go take a swim, play volleyball, or visit the lighthouse beacon. A day at the Beach? No no, a NIGHT at the Beach is more like it!

FUN FACT: Honestly this room has inspiration from a lot of places, but I decided to make an original based room. It’s one of my favorites, even if it comes and goes.


ADDED IN-GAME: October 2021

INFO: Gather ‘round, campers. It’s a cool, dark night...let’s pass time by telling scary stories around the campfire. Please do not behave like a fool, because they say it can attract dream bears. Also, be careful not to get too close to the fire, as it is very hot. See? Camping can be cool!

FUN FACT: Believe it or not, I randomly got the idea to make this room after watching a Phineas & Ferb episode.


ADDED IN-GAME: November 2021

INFO: Look at all of this food! Let us feast together under this candlelight. Let’s go around the table and ask everyone what they are grateful for. I, for one, am grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful people, like you! Let’s dig in before the food gets cold. As they say in France, bon appetit!

FUN FACT: This is an original room that just came to my mind out of nowhere. Some inspiration from other dining rooms based off my muscle memory, but nothing directly from a real place.


ADDED IN-GAME: October 2021

INFO: A priest was once hired to help out a family one night. Their little girl was “sick” when in reality she had a demon inside of her. He walked up to the house and up the steps. And well, the rest is history.

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by the movie poster for the horror film, The Exorcist, of which the room is named after too.


ADDED IN-GAME: December 2021

INFO: Chestnuts roasting on an open fire… This dimension is very toasty. Unlike other dimensions that have fireplaces, the one in here is always lit! If it wasn’t for the holidays, this dimension would be pretty empty. It seems like the only real thing in here is that big cushion chair. At least the fire is crackling, it’s too quiet in here!

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by an image of a real-life place.


ADDED IN-GAME: June 2022

INFO: This dimension is strange as it technically should be around all year, but it seems like humans are moving past the need to actually take part in nature and go out to visit their local forests. Nonetheless, when this dimension does come up, you'll see campers out with their tents and gathered around campfires throughout the forest. One thing the park rangers here advise you not to do is to start any forest fires or interact with any strange pages with menacing scribbles on them...

FUN FACT: This room was inspired by various things, but strangely it reminds me most of a lot of those early 2010s Slenderman games.


ADDED IN-GAME: December 2023

INFO: Located near the Pole, the Forts is a Christmas related dimension. If you're ever in the mood for a good old fashioned snowball fight, you can stop by here! It's blue team vs. red team...which side are you on?

FUN FACT: This room was originally made as a test room for the 2023 Holiday Party, but I ended up loving it too much to not include it in the actual game!


ADDED IN-GAME: March 2022

INFO: If you want to take a stroll by a small lake just after it rained, you can check out this dimension! In the middle of the lake, there is a gazebo, where you can stand and look around the lake and admire its tranquil nature. The plants around the lake are properly taken care of, so be careful not to damage them.

FUN FACT: This room had other versions of it scrapped before I ultimately decided on this particular look.


ADDED IN-GAME: December 2021

INFO: They say there’s an old witch that lives in the gingerbread house up ahead, but others say it’s actually a very secluded baker who loves making treats for a living. The debate is still up in the air, but approaching this house, you’ll immediately notice the smell of fresh baked goodies that will make you curious enough to enter this house. Look, even the house is edible!

FUN FACT: This room was inspired by something I saw on Twitter and decided to do my own version of it!


ADDED IN-GAME: October 2022

INFO: The spooks that this dimension brings is not an exaggeration! The Graveyard is home to various deceased dream world residents who call this their resting place. Be careful not to step on graves and to be respectful of the dead.

FUN FACT: Outside of the Halloween season, you can access this room if you have a specific badge when you visit Almoral's mansion.

Hallway (October)

ADDED IN-GAME: October 2021

INFO: Woah...this isn’t the hallway we’re normally used to. Looks like during October, The Hallway dimension goes through a bit of a drastic makeover; it appears to only be temporary though. You walk through these halls and well, let’s hope no one wants us to play with them here.

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by the classic horror film, The Shining.


ADDED IN-GAME: June 2022

INFO: Feel the calmness of this room. The serene atmosphere. The tranquil water of the pool. Everything in this room is so...calm. Relax, the water is just fine.

FUN FACT: This room is based off of two liminal space images.


ADDED IN-GAME: October 2021

INFO: Ding dong! There goes the neighborhood... It’s a nice night to take a stroll through the neighborhood. The individuals living here don’t mind you coming to pay a visit, but please do not ding dong ditch any house here. It is rather annoying for those living in that home.

FUN FACT: This room features the classic Roblox “Happy Home” house, as well as the cabin seen in the default starting place. The house next to the woods is actually a close replica of my house in the Roblox game, “Work at a Pizza Place”.


ADDED IN-GAME: September 2021

INFO: Cal’s famous pumpkin patch is known for what it is. There are always pumpkins here to farm and take with you to consume or decorate for the holidays! Pumpkins never seem to run out either, as they appear to grow back quickly! This dimension only appears during the autumn season-  once a year. Things start to get a bit strange when October comes around, and there is no clear explanation as to why. Besides this, the Patch is also known to encompass a maze of corn, but it is advised to stay out of the maze, since it can be difficult to navigate.

FUN FACT: This room is based off of an image, but it is slightly tweaked. It is the second seasonal dimension to be added to the game!

Picnic (February)

ADDED IN-GAME: February 2022

INFO: This particular dimension seems to change looks every now and then. Sometimes you’ll encounter it in the summertime in the middle of the woods, sometimes during the fall, and sometimes when it’s all pink and rosy. This dimension is regular, but the fact that it changes looks every now and then, makes it seasonal as well. Gather your friends, let’s sit down and have a nice lunch!

FUN FACT: There were many names that this room could have had, but I decided to stick with the one it has now, as the other names are potential contenders for future rooms; it got expanded in February 2024.

Picnic (June)

ADDED IN-GAME: June 2022

INFO: This particular dimension seems to change looks every now and then. Sometimes you’ll encounter it in the summertime in the middle of the woods, sometimes during the fall, and sometimes when it’s all pink and rosy. This dimension is regular, but the fact that it changes looks every now and then, makes it seasonal as well. Gather your friends, let’s sit down and have a nice lunch!

FUN FACT: I really enjoyed having picked this particular lighting for this room as it gives off hazy, sunset vibes.


ADDED IN-GAME: December 2021

INFO: Santa had to devise a whole new dimension on his own when he moved his operations into the dream world. While the North Pole in the real world is empty now, Santa’s operations and everyone who lived there now resides in this village dubbed “The Pole” now. You can get lost if you don’t know where you’re going, as the streets seem very similar to each other, but admire the lights and snow…it’s quite pretty here! The Pole’s headquarters are located down a tunnel, but don’t think you’ll get easy access there. You’ll need to book an appointment to talk to a representative, and if you’re here wondering if you’ve been good or bad, well that information cannot be disclosed to you! This dimension gets pretty busy during the holiday season, but outside of it, it can be pretty quiet. It’s always winter in this dimension, though, so you may want to bundle up if you’re planning on visiting this cozy little village!

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by a lot of different things. Some inspiration comes from many Christmas movies, some from Club Penguin, some from real images, and some completely my own ideas!


ADDED IN-GAME: December 2022

INFO: Only appearing during the winter time, this dimension is cold, but the atmosphere makes you feel warm inside. There's something about it that reminds you of better Christmas times you may have had in your past or perhaps not. Either way, you can build a snowman or chill around and admire the lights. The snow falls so gently, it's quiet, and the only sound you might hear is your own brisk breath.

FUN FACT: This room is inspired by a real-life image and is one of my top ten favorite rooms.


ADDED IN-GAME: June 2022

INFO: Surf's up! Although similar to the Beach, the Shore does not have a lighthouse nearby nor does it keep you in the darkness of the night. Feel free to go out and surf or play in the water as lifeguards are around keeping a close eye on any incidents. You can also order a quick drink at the nearby bar or build castles in the sand. The sun might be setting, but it just makes everything feel alright.

FUN FACT: The door in the sand with the exit sign is actually taken from a picture I found online.


ADDED IN-GAME: December 2021

INFO: Not to be confused with the Skate dimension, the Skating dimension is a wintry land of snow and ice. There’s a frozen lake that’s perfect for ice skating, and don’t worry, the ice is thick enough to support anyone on it! Let’s show off some ice skating moves, oh what’s that? You don’t want to? Do you even skate, bro?

FUN FACT: This room was originally bigger and included a bridge with a small frozen river, however, Studio crashed and corrupted the file, so I had to start over from scratch and sadly, I did not feel motivated enough to redo the bridge or river again.


ADDED IN-GAME: February 2024

INFO: It's not a milkshake if it's not a McSweetie's milkshake! This particular dimension has been around since the 1950s and has served over six million customers since! All the couples love to stop by here to get their renowned milkshake and ice cream cones. Love is truly in the air!

FUN FACT: This particular room is inspired by the design of McDonald's restaurants that were popping up in the mid to late 1950s.


ADDED IN-GAME: June 2023

INFO: Take a trip and go on a hike this summer season by going out on a trail, but not just any trail...but THE Trail! The Trail itself passes through much wilderness and forested area, so you'll really get that true outdoors experience! Forest rangers will tell you time and time again to stay on the trail and to not wander off of it. Do not underestimate the wilderness- it can easily turn on you if you don't listen to the rules! Of course, if you need to rest, there are rest areas scattered throughout the Trail and emergency phones if you need help.

FUN FACT: Some parts of this room were inspired by real national parks, but also by Mystery Flesh Pit National Park.


ADDED IN-GAME: March 2022

INFO: Ever seen a rainbow and wonder what's at at the end of it? If you follow it, you may be lucky enough to end up in the Well dimension! The gold coins can be used to make a wish if you toss it in the well, and they say that most wishes come true after doing so. It's also said that leprechauns hide in the bushes, watching your every move, but they must be hiding pretty well! 

FUN FACT: Real water was originally used for this room, until I ended up substituting it with fake water; it was expanded in March 2024.