Thursday, October 28, 2021

Edition 09


By: Almoral

Hello dream world citizens! Allow me to introduce myself to those who don’t know who I am!

I am Almoral, and I am a necromancer in the dream world! Yes, I know I know, raising the dead might seem strange, but I always do it with respect! You may have heard other things about me, but enough about that, I need everyone’s help!

I’m currently looking for a particular individual. He’s about 5 feet 7 inches tall, wears all black, long black horns, white tipped tail, wears a blindfold and mask with black hair. He also answers to Lucid! If anyone sees him, please let me know! I am in need of his assistance, for exclusive reasons, and would gladly appreciate anyone who can let me know where he is at!

Of course, anyone who does tell me will get a chance to stay at my mansion for a week! I will treat you to a five-star dinner in my own home, with your own bed, and you will also get to see the star of the whole show! I don’t normally allow visitors in my home, but hopefully this offer will allow people to go out and search for Lucid for me!

I’ve received some pesky visitors lately, and oops! I might’ve opened up a portal in the Mall dimension, but it was supposed to be enough to lure in Lucid, and it backfired. I’ll have the portal closed soon, but I really need to see Lucid!

So please, if anyone has any information on his whereabouts, I will gladly appreciate the details. Lucid and I...have unfinished business. I suppose I do miss him, but this is important. I can’t let this go on for much longer. I feel terrible.

Anyways! Bring Lucid to me and you will be rewarded with a free one week trip to my mansion! But hurry! This is a limited time offer exclusive until November 4! Get it while it lasts. Until next time, and remember, bless graves before you do anything weird!


By: Porter

Some individuals are getting ahold of strange artifacts recently, and these artifacts have brought forth strange powers.

According to some nostalogists, artifacts have the power to bestow incredibly good memories on those who own them. In short, these artifacts grant the user the ability to visit seasonal dimensions whenever they wish.

“When seasonal dimensions disappear, they don’t necessarily disappear into nothingness. Us dream world entities just so happen to ‘forget’ our way to that specific dimension, since humans in the real world are forgetting about it too,” Nate says, “However, artifacts look to keep the memories of a dimension in the user’s mind quite well, enough for them to find their way there again! So, a seasonal dimension might go, but artifact users still have the memory to happily find their way to one with no problem!”

Because of this, a special room has been unlocked in the Backrooms. “Boy! This is really special stuff!” Figment of the Backrooms says, “You really have to own one to visit that dimension whenever you want to! I’ve opened up special portals for such users, with permission of course! Check it out! All four seasons are here! Isn’t that cool?!” 

Users who have artifacts are asked to present them upon entering the room. Dimensions in here will open once they close off to the public. For example, the Patch Dimension is said to be leaving in mid-November; this means that the special artifact portal for that dimension will open once it becomes inaccessible for everyone else. Visitors are asked to make final trips before the Halloween period officially ends next week.

Q/A: Ask Lucid

Dear Lucid, how many languages do you speak?
By: Diah Lekt

Greetings, Diah. I am fluent in 85 human languages, and around 192 dream world dialects. Reading books over the years has helped me learn many languages to speak.

Dear Lucid, what does the Council know about you?
By: Richard Tators

Hello Richard. The Council of the dream world knows a lot about me. I have history with them...

Dear Lucid, what’s your relationship with Almoral?
By: Flor Tee

Hello Flor. Almoral and I are not rivals or enemies, despite what some might think. He is… a very strange and forward man to me. Quite forward, actually. Thinking about him makes me a bit embarrassed and gives me a headache. I rather not see him face-to-face again.

Dear Lucid, what’s that black trident you always carry around with you?
By: D. Fenz

Greetings, D.  The black trident you see me carrying around was actually given to me when I was in the DPF. All DPF agents own some sort of weapon to defend themselves with. Mine just so happened to be a trident. Of course, my DPF days are over, but I still keep my trident with me.

Dear Lucid, what is the answer to life, the universe, and everything in it?
By: Ray Chiyo

Hello Ray. Some individuals say it is 42, but the real answer to that question is actually 1.61803398875.

Dear Lucid, how would you describe yourself?
By: Percy Nataly

Hello Percy. I would describe myself as kind hearted, gentle, introverted, wise, smart, and maybe stubborn. I do not think I am a bad person, even though others might see it as that.

Dear Lucid, what’s the scariest dimension you’ve visited?
By: Terry Fyeng

Greetings, Terry. Not many things in the dream world really frighten me. However, the scariest dimension I have visited was the Skyscraper dimension. Having to stand many stories up from the ground was not a pleasant experience for me.

Dear Lucid, where are you?
By: Notal Moral

Hello Notal. Well, I am not exactly going to share that piece of information so easily like that, would I? You just have to be lucky to find me, silly.

Dear Lucid, what’s 9,143,862,750 divided by 0?
By: Diva Dend

Greetings, Diva. That is a trick question! Everyone knows you cannot divide by zero.  ...or can you?

Dear Lucid, do you know Sid?
By: Tu Wenz

Greetings, Tu. Sid is a nickname given to me by Nate. Besides this, I do not know anyone else named Sid.

Dear Lucid, what is your favorite memory?
By: Memo Ree

Hello Memo. My favorite memory is getting the chance to spend time with Nate. We have played together in the Game dimension, done snow angels in the Home dimension, went to see a movie at the Cinema dimension, worked together in the DPF, among other things. My happiest memories have always been with him.

Upcoming Events:

Now- Memory Unlocking: Behold the power of the artifact! You have unlocked powers that grant you unlimited access to seasonal dimensions based on where it was from! Your friends must be so jealous....

Now- Lucid’s Demise: There is a fate worse than death, and that is accepting your fate as being cursed for the rest of your life. The audacity of curiosity, it got the best of him.

November 4- Halloween Party ends: Don’t be scared, but the Halloween Party ends soon! Have you managed to find a ghost yet? Visit the mansion? Gone trick-or-treating?! Visited the corn maze? Do it then!

November 4- Birthday Party: Everyone loves cake and balloons. I know a certain Backrooms keeper does.

November 4- Beach Dimension closes: And just like that, the lighthouse light went out, and no one found out what happened to the keeper nor saw him ever again.